Thursday, February 10, 2011

Memes: Blogging isn't Blogging Without Them

I'm not doing a very good job of blogging here by myself these days.  Instead of fulfilling my role as pessimist I'm going to use this opportunity to complete a few of those tag thingies.  For those of you who hate memes (me, on a good day) hold on.  I'll write something better next week.  

This one, though, is really pretty cool.  A chance to check out someone's handwriting?  Yes please.  Here as I usually write (just a little bigger).  Non-perfectionist and in my notebook with a Bic ballpoint.

1. What's your name/your Blogger name?
2. What's your blog's name/URL?
3. Write "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
4. Favorite quote?
5. Your favorite song?
6. Your favorite band/singers?
7. Anything else you want to say?
8. Tag 3-5 other people

Just realized it's crooked.  Heh, sorry.
The other tag comes from the ever-funny Coyote Rose.  She wants to know my five current loves.

1. Random adventures in general.  Road trips, more specifically.  I may be planning one now.  It may involve a camperized bus, seven friends, and the Alaska highway.  Having something to look forward to keeps me relatively sane.  Stay tuned in a couple months.  Or, like, May.

2.  Thrift stores.  Eco friendly finds that give me a double rush of endorphins.  One for cool "new" clothes.  One for saving money.  What's not to love?  Although I did go on a bad actual-new clothes bender just lately...

3.  Slippers.  I used to hate them.  Being all barefoot-tomboy and all.  But my great-aunt from England sent me some for Christmas...  And I've been wearing them every day.  Yes, I am getting old.

4.  Dancing.  Of almost every variety.  I can't wait for summer barn parties, since that's about all the opportunity I get around here.  Well, other then break dance episodes upstairs with my brothers.

5.  Sunshine!  We've only seen little bits of it, but it gives me a little high every time.  And now that I'm almost giving up on more successful snowboarding I'm 100% ready for spring.  Green, warm, lovely spring.

Again, I'm not tagging.  But this was a good no-blogging-slump remedy.  Thanks girls.


Chels said...

I think I just found your link floating around on Twitter. So hi, I'm random!

I love the handwriting thinger... And I'll probably copy it - because I can't be bothered to come up with something creative on my own at the moment.

Also, I think you can officially dub yourself old when you couple a nice [insert fabric of choice] robe with the slippers every day. ;)

Kara said...

Ahh, I love the handwriting meme! Definitely posting it tomorrow :)

Kris said...

Yay! Consider both yourselves tagged.

Thankfully, I'm not quite to that level of agedness yet. Although, if robes are half as great as slippers maybe I ought to give them a try...

As is I'm totally rocking slippers with not just boxers, but skinny jeans when I get home. Classy, I know!

Ella Unread said...

:O Great meme!! I like your handwriting!! I will definitely consider myself tagged and I'll do the same :D

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! you did it, I like your penmanship..very nice. & your welcome