Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Dear avid readers and adoring fans:
I regret to inform you that for an unspecified amount of time my blog will be less frequently updated. I will attempt to bring you insightful posts at least once a week, but I am uncertain as to how often I will actually be able to manage it. Lest you require and explanation, my computer, which has served me so faithfully for a number of years, is to be returned to the evil school from which it came. This will pass in the very near future leaving me to my own devices. I will now be required to venture to our beloved public library at times of inspiration. The aforementioned inspiration is calling me to post at this moment, but I anticipate this being the final one before I am thrown into the waning masses of those without personal internet connection.
I thank-you ever so much for your faithfulness in reading this blog. Please do not be discouraged from continuing to pursue it,if it only need be less often. You all have my best wishes and I eagerly anticipate continued communication with you in the uncertain future.
Yours truly

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