Monday, April 19, 2010

Now I have a list too

Besides the fact that it must be done, it seems like a good day to bring you my 101 before 1001.  Well, right now it's actually 84.  And many of those are do agains.  But that makes it even more exciting, because you can all send me suggestions for those last 18.  Coming up with 101 goals is harder then it sounds.  Especially when you'll have to cram them into 2.75 years and you know you're a chronic procrastinator currently short on direction.  Turns out I've already achieved most of my former lifetime goals, so it's time for some new ones.

Anyway, the lovely Risha (from the equally lovely You Can Read Me Anything) was doing the challenge and welcomed the join.  If anyone is interested I'm sure we'd allow Another sucker motivated individual to take this up with us.  It's the hip thing to do.  Haven't you seen these lists on everyone's blogs?  You know you want to be hip...

So, read the list.  I'll keep this short so you can.  Trust that I'll be blogging about some of these as I check them off.


Christy Ashley said...

Thanks for the award! That's a great list! And did I already ask you about judo? Where did you train?

Caity said...

Hey, I am stopping by from 20SB! Great list! I have a 101 in 1001 list too! Good luck with yours! :D

Anonymous said...

Great list! I am thinking of doing one like that because i am turning 28 this Thursday and i want to accomplished something before i turn 30. Goodluck Kris!

Anonymous said...

Great list.
I need to create a post on mine about this! x

Krla said...

I must say that "make jam: was my random! Love random things! I think I have to transfer my list to something like this. INTERESTING...

Tabitha Wells said...

That is an AWESOME list. If I had a list, there's several on there you and I would have in common :)